
Connect to the G-Money OpenAPI

Dev Ops or Fintech Company?

The G-money openAPI platform allows for 3rd party fintech and technology companies to connect with G-Money seamlessly.

G-Money Business Solutions

Increasing competitive trends compels businesses to continuously explore innovative ways of enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations. It is therefore imperative that these businesses partner and use a service like G-Money that possesses the ability to provide quality affordable financial solutions and products to increase the value in their operations, increase efficiency and reduce cost.



Registration Requirements

1. Signing of NDA (where required)

NDA Doc.pdf 283Kb

2. Complete Application Form

Application Form.pdf 1.3Mb

3. Complete Account Operator Form

Account Operator Form.pdf 501Kb

4. Submit valid company registration documents (non-GCB client)

5. Submit valid national photo IDs of account handlers/users

6. Submit API documents for integration (where required)


All completed forms are to be forwarded to


Sample Documents

G-Money Bulk Customer Registration Template

Bulk Customer Registration.xls 10Kb

Sample G-Money Request Letter (Account Holding Institutions)

Sample Request Letter 12Kb

3. Sample G-Money Request Letter (Institutions Without GCB Account)

Sample Request Letter 12Kb